No matter how often you clean your teeth or how many dental visits you have under your belt you could still experience the excruciating pain brought on by a toothache. Toothache pain is a terrible, often piercing pain. It is often wise to know of home remedies to relieve pain until you can see the dentist to identify the cause of the pain. Here you will be introduced to some home remedies, but keep in mind they are no replacement for a dental check-up to uncover the cause of your toothache.
It is good to know home remedies for toothaches, but you also need to know what causes a toothache in the first place. Very often, toothaches are caused by tooth decay and cavities. These places become tender when the nerve beneath the tooth is exposed. Sugary treats, like excessive sweets and carbohydrates are often the culprit in the onset of tooth decay. This is why good dental hygiene is important.
Toothaches are not unique to one part of the world. People all over the world have experienced the intense pain of a toothache. Chances are that most people will suffer a toothache at one time or another. A home remedy can provide relief for a toothache in the short term, but it is essential that you see a dentist to identify and treat the underlying cause of the toothache.
Toothaches can begin as a dull ache or a sharp pain. They are usually caused by tooth decay or cavities in your teeth. It isn't unusual for everyone to experience a toothache at some time in their lives. When you look for a home remedy, find one that offers rapid relief. Do not, however, use a home remedy as a substitute for a visit to the dentist. Home remedies do not cure the cause of the toothache; they merely help alleviate the pain.
Most people would agree that the best short term relief for toothaches is clove oil. Clove oil is a potent, natural remedy with pain relieving properties that work quickly. A few drops of clove oil added to a cotton ball can be applied to the affected tooth. Pain relief should be felt within seconds. Because clove oil is so potent, you must be very careful when using it. Don't allow the oil to touch other parts of your mouth or skin as clove oil can cause minor skin irritation. Other home remedies for toothaches include placing ice on the affected tooth, although this can cause more pain initially. Garlic is also considered a cure for toothaches. The best bet, for the quickest relief is to try clove oil.
By Ted Johnson
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